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夏日最後的玫瑰這首歌曲,不論是演奏或演唱,每聽一次就會有不同的感動。是因為它優美略帶哀愁的曲調以及令人傷感的歌詞? 這首個歌的歌詞原是一首詩,作者是18世紀愛爾蘭著名的文學家作曲家,湯瑪士摩爾(Thomas Moore 1779–1852),曲調是有約翰斯提文森譜寫的。它曾被收輯在摩爾的愛爾蘭歌曲集Irish Melodies (1807–34)歌曲集。 在十八世紀時,這首歌曲即廣受注意,多位著名的作曲家,如貝多芬、孟德爾頌,與佛羅多Friedrich von Flotow相繼採用它的旋律,改編成小調、歌劇選曲或小提琴 一七七九年,湯瑪士摩爾出生於愛爾蘭都柏林,早年在都柏林附近的三一學院就讀。畢業後,赴英倫攻讀法律,跟英年早逝的英國詩人,雪萊及拜倫成為好朋友。 愛爾蘭歌曲集包含一百三十首創作的詩,搭配民謠曲而成。摩爾親自演唱,他的歌聲引來愛爾蘭愛國同胞的同情與支持。在當時,摩爾在文檀的地位可與拜倫與華特史考脫(劫後英雄傳)並駕齊驅。 至於這首歌,歷來許多成名的演唱家,不論是古典歌手或流行歌手,個人或樂團,演唱或演奏版(Andre Rieu),人人都喜歡灌錄,也都頗受歌迷熱愛。早先有卡娜娃、娜娜、莎拉布萊曼,進入二十一世紀後,英國的克蘭納德家族合唱團 、愛爾蘭男高音Three Tenors,蓋爾威(Galway長笛),夏綠蒂及英國的Celtic Woman天使女伶,海莉及克洛依,使這首歌再度流行,成為網路世代的新寵。


Auld lange syne Download Auld Lang Syne Sissel video

Sample Speech for Tour Guides

English for Tour Guides--Sample Speech 1 Welcoming tourists: Hello everyone. My name is Luca. On behalf of Suntan Tours I'd like to welcome you all to Los Cabos. The bus ride to your hotel will take about fifteen minutes. Right now I'd like to take a minute to familiarize you with the area and discuss some brief safety precautions. Firstly, I ask that you remain seated until we reach our destination and that you not eat or drink while on the bus. Secondly, please realize that it is against the law to get drunk in public. Enjoy your vacation, but do drink responsibly and do not drink and drive. 2. Describing the location: I promise you are going to enjoy your stay here in San Jose, Los Cabos. This is a beautiful, quiet city where you can relax, sit by the beach, enjoy great meals and feel very safe. You can walk into town and enjoy the fountains or take a moonlit walk along the water. Please do not swim here. This is not a safe place to swim because there is a strong undert...

Video Lessons

Video Lessons for Tourists Types of Check-in Air Travel Booking Air Travel 1. What are the best ways to book air travel? 2. What are the different types of air travel websites? 3. How do I use an aggregator site to book air travel? 4. What are some terms to be aware of when booking air travel? 5. What does "advance purchase" mean? 6. What does "non-refundable" mean? 7. What is an "e-ticket"?

登機前後-3 行李掉了 standby/overbooking

What happens if the airline loses my luggage? If you can't find your bag once you get off the plane, know that you are not alone. This happens to a lot of passengers. What you do is go directly to the airline desk and start filling out the paperwork, letting them know that your baggage has been lost. Sometimes it's just on the flight behind you and they will deliver it to you later. Otherwise, you might have to file a claim and wait for reimbursement from the airline. What does "overbooking" mean? Overbooking has been in the news a lot lately. All it means is that they've sold more tickets than there are seats for that flight, which is a scandal. Airlines often overbook because they like to fly full flights, so they will sell more tickets than there are seats because a few people just might not show up. This is overbooking. If your flight is overbooked, they might ask you to give up your seat, and if they don't ask you to give up your seat, they might do it fo...


What other types of check-in are available at the airport? Curbside check-in is that little desk right on the sidewalk where the skycap is there ready to check you in, take your baggage, and give you your boarding pass. Sometimes, the line is a little shorter than inside at the baggage check-in desk, but it comes with a price. You're required to at least tip the skycap or sometimes there's a mandatory fee of two dollars per bag right there on a sign as you check in at the line. A self-service check-in is a know it all computer that knows who you are as soon as you put in your ID or your credit card. What you do is you verify who you are, and that you're on the next flight and what seat you want, and then it prints out your boarding pass for you, right then and there; nobody needs to help you.


Why do I have to be at the airport so early? We traditionally ask passengers if they are going to be flying domestically to get to the airports two hours before their flight. If they are flying internationally, get to the airport three hours before your flight. You have to manipulate the parking, you have to check in and get your ticket, you have to get your bags screened, you have to get through security, you have to find your gate. We think that two hours is a good amount of time for domestic flights, but it's always a good idea to check with the airline. If you have some flexibility in scheduling your flight, you can schedule it during non-peak hours when you know there's not going to be a lot of people at the airport.


This is an interview of a tour director. 1. Does it help if a guide is willing to travel? A: Yes. Well, there's the local industry. I have local people who have children, and it is wonderful because it's so flexible. if the person is in school or has another job, they can do touring part time, and it's a great way to get experience. A lot of people just work locally, and they can be home at night. It's more flexible compared to most jobs. 2. Can you draw any parallels between tour guiding and other types of employment? A:Teachers usually make real good guides. Mothers--they're used to being caretakers--make real good guides. Actors/Actresses: they have an audience, a captive audience. Health care workers do real well. We're somewhat like health care workers ourselves in the job. We're caretakers, we're lecturers, we're teachers, we're doctors, nurses, we're managers, we're working almost as travel agents. We wear a lot of hats. 3. Is ther...


Going through customs 在某些情況下,經過海關時,你容易成為被抽查的對象。 Most managers travel a great deal these days. However experienced a traveler you may be, are you confident that you know all you should know about customs procedures? Customs officers occasionally carry out selective checks on travellers passing through the green or blue channels on their way to the exit door. When they stop people, they look for items and may also you about what you are carrying. In to ensuring that you are not prohibited goods, there are some other important rules that you follow. These are: ‧ Never carry for anyone else. ‧ Make sure that the duty and tax have been paid on that you are bringing in. There are various reasons why you may be stopped when going Customs. This can happen if: ‧ you are a lot of extra luggage, ‧ you have a lot of cash with you, ‧ you are flying in from a place where drugs are easy to obtain, such as Amsterdam, ‧ you are extremely nervous when you pass through. If you are stopped, you should wit...

觀光英文術語-3 飯店常用語

(三)房間種類與飯店常用語: Single Room 單人房 Double Room 雙人房(只有一個King Size大床) Twin Room 雙人房(有兩個Single Bed) Triple 三人住房 Quad 四人住房 Suite 套房 Studio ( Couch, Sofa Bed ) 客戶房中沙發可伸縮變為床鋪者 Group Chamber 團體房 Twin Basis 以雙人房為計價單位的房租費用 Triple Basis 以三人房為計價單位的房租費用 Single Supplement 個人要求住單人房時所增加之費用 Extra Bed; Roll Away 加床 Baby Cot 嬰兒床 Condominium 共有式的住房(4~6人同住) Ground Floor 地面樓。美國式的電梯指標Ground Floor為數字1,而英國式的電梯指標Ground Floor則為G, 1卻代表二樓。 Round-The-Clock Service 24小時服務 Bin Card(Ving Card) 電腦房門卡(取代Key) Concierge 旅館管理人;門房。在較高級的飯店,大廳中有此櫃台之服務,其主事者之職位亦相當高,他們可以提供各類別的服務。 Portage 行李費 Duty Manager 值日經理 Shower Curtain 浴簾。要將浴廉放入浴缸內再拉開,以防水噴出浴槽外,因歐美國家大部份的浴室皆無排水孔。 Turn-Down Service 傍晚時分掀開床罩的服務 Sauna Bath 三溫暖;蒸氣浴 Banquet Room 宴會廳 Bidet 女性潔身器 Incidental Charges Master Key 臨時多出來的費用,雜項的費用可通用之鑰匙。一般而言這隻鑰匙應該是經理級的主管所持有,客人持有的鑰匙只能開自己的房間,主管所持有的,為了方便查辦事情,每個房間都可開啟。 Check In 辦理住宿手續。抵達旅館後首先至櫃臺辦理登記手續,並拿取鑰匙,一般進住旅館之時間為中午以後。 Check Out 辦理遷出手續。大多數的旅館必須在上午十一時以前至出納部門辦理退房手續,付清房租、餐費、飲料費用、電話費等。 Courtesy Room 旅館為提前到達或要延後離開的團體提供一個方便放置行李或短時休息的房間叫Courtesy Roo...


p. 2 MCO=Miscellaneous Charges Order IATA之航空公司或其代理公司所開立之憑證,要求特定之航空公司或其他交通運輸機構,對於憑證上所指定的旅客發行機票、支付退票款或提供相關的服務。另旅客於外站改變行程時,若其機票(屬有價證券)尚有餘款可退時,航空公司不便當場退款,而以MCO之方式載明情況,囑其回至原開票公司申請退款或留待下一次搭乘時抵扣部份費用。 GMT-Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治時間。英國為配合歐洲其他國家的計時方式,將於1992年廢此不用,改用UTC。 UTC-Universal Time Coordinated 這是取代GMT的新的環球標準時間,一切同GMT之數據。 GTO-Government Travel Order 政府公務人員旅行用開票憑證。 PTA-Prepaid Ticket Advice 預付票款通知,以便取得機票。一般而言,指在甲地付款,在乙地拿票者,以方便無法在當地付款之旅客,或遺失機票者、或贊助單位提供給非現地之旅客。 City Code 城市縮寫。 Airport Code 機場縮寫。歐美諸大城市皆擁有數個機場,為免搭錯機場或前往接機有誤,一定要驗明正確之機場。 Airline Code 航空公司班機代號。此縮寫代號與其航空公司一般之縮寫不同,如中華航空公司縮寫為CAL,但代號卻為CI。星航為SIA,代號為SQ。 Connection(Flight) 轉機(下一班機)。 Minimum Connecting Times 最短的轉機時間限制。 DST-Daylight Saving Time 日光節約時間。每一年的三、四月及九、十月之交,有些國家及地區為適應日照時間而做的時間調整,如一般所稱的Summer Schedule或 Winter Schedule。 Flight Number 班機號碼。航空公司之班機號碼大都有一定的取號規定,如往南或往西的取單數;往北或往東的取雙數。例如,中華的CI804班機是香港到臺北的班機,而CI827是臺北到香港之班次。此外大部份的班機號碼都為三個數字,縱然其號碼只有個位數,前面都再加2個0。如為聯營的航線或加班機則大都使用四個號碼。 Scheduled Flight 定期班機 Charter Flight 包機班機 Shuttle Flight 兩...


一、航空票務 Ticket:機票。由航空公司或經受權的旅行社開立的搭乘券 E-Ticket:電子機票(Electronic Ticket),乃將機票資料儲存在航空公司電腦資料庫中,無須以紙張列印每一段航程的機票聯。旅客至機場只需提示電子機票收據並告知訂位代號即可辦理登機手續。 One Way(OW): 單程(票) Round Trip(RT):來回(票) Circle Trip(CT):繞一圈的行程(機票) Round-The-World(RTW):環球行程(機票) Open Jaw:不連接的往返航空旅行。 Through Fare: 全程票價。 Visit USA Fare:美國的航空公司為居住在美國以外地區的旅客提供的廉價票。 Hidden Construction Point(HCP)假設城市票價之計算方式 Fictitious Construction Point Common Rated Cities(CRC)同等票價城市 Tariff 航空價目表 Mileage 哩程 Maximum Permitted Mileage(MPM)最高允許哩程 Shortest Operated Mileage(SOM)直飛哩程 Non-Stop Mileage Subject To Load不能預約座位的機票 (Sub-Lo)Ticket Not Subject To Load可以預約座位的機票 (No Sub)Ticket Extra Mileage Allowance(EMA) 額外寬減哩數 Higher Intermediate Point(HIP)中間較高城市票價 More Distant Point(MDP)更遠城市票價計算方式 Maximum Mileage 最高可飛行哩程 Back Haul顛倒 First Class頭等艙 C Class 商務艙,其名稱因航空公司而異 e.g. Executive Class Business Class Dynasty Class(CI) Economic Class 經濟艙 Y. Class Night Coach較晚時間或半夜之班次,票價較廉 Normal Fare普通票價 Full Fare(Adult Fare) 全票(成人票,12歲以上) Half Fare(Children Fare)半票(小孩2至12歲...