
Showing posts from October 15, 2017

美劇筆記 fall off the map

**美劇筆記** fall off the map/ drop off the map 不受注意,默默無聞, That team played in the championship for three years in a row, but then they dropped off the map. 那個球隊連續三年進入冠軍賽後,就變得默默無聞了。

美劇筆記 any port in a storm

** 美劇筆記** any port in a storm 原指在暴風雨中,船隻只要有港口避風停靠即可。 比喻" 飢不擇食  ",遷就現實 I don't really like Meg, but I had to ask her for help because she was the only one still in the office last night when my computer crashed. Any port in a storm, I guess. 我真的不喜歡小梅,昨晚我的電腦當機時,辦公室裡只剩她一個人,我不得不請她幫忙。是遷就現實吧。