
Showing posts from June 28, 2020
The world is your oyster 倫敦的電子乘車卡叫做牡蠣卡,如果你第一次聽到,必定不得其解.原來這是由典故的。 字意世界是你的牡蠣。 The world is one’s oyster原先 適用在生活事事如意,從未遇到過逆境的人。現在則側重多樣的選擇可能。 "I can do anything I want to, the world's my oyster. 我愛作什麼都可以。樣樣任我選。可以這樣解釋: (諺語 )高富帥地位高人一等的人事業必有成,世界任你遨遊, 多樣任你選 🔹 After the last ten months, however, he now knows the world is his oyster and that he has more options than he would have once believed. (The Irish Mirror) 愛爾蘭鏡報:經過了十個月,他現在明白世界任我選這個道理,他的選擇比先前一度相信的還多。 For your final project, you can choose from any of these assignments- The World is Your Oyster. 你的期末報告,你可以從這些指定作業中挑選,世界是你的牡蠣。 倫敦的電子乘車卡叫做牡蠣卡,如果你第一次聽到,必定不得其解,了解這個諺語後就恍然大悟。 典故來自莎士比亞,在"溫莎風流寡婦"中寫道 "Why then the world’s mine oyster, Which I with sword will open."世界是我的牡蠣,我以劍敲開