
Showing posts from 2008

Quotation of the Day 不速之客

信函乃是不速之客,郵差是帶來驚喜的無禮使者。 每週我們都應當保留一小時讀信,然後再去洗澡。--尼采

Comic Strips 漫畫: keep up with the Joneses

I wish you could keep up with the Joneses in your study.

Story: Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen

Read the story and write a report. You may go to the department for the form or download at The story took place in the early 20th centure in New York. It happened at a restaurant in one day. Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen by O Henry There is one day that is ours. There is one day when all we Americans who are not self-made go back to the old home to eat saleratus biscuits and marvel how much nearer to the porch the old pump looks than it used to. Bless the day. President Roosevelt gives it to us. We hear some talk of the Puritans, but don't just remember who they were. Bet we can lick 'em, anyhow, if they try to land again. Plymouth Rocks? Well, that sounds more familiar. Lots of us have had to come down to hens since the Turkey Trust got its work in. But somebody in Washington is leaking out advance information to 'em about these Thanksgiving proclamations. The big city east of the cranberry bogs has made Thanksgiving D...

2008 年度風雲詞 hypermile

年度風雲詞 Word of the Year 2008 著名的牛津英文辭典每年都會選出一個"年度風雲詞" Word of the Year。 今年2008中選的字是hypermile 這個字典上尚未登錄的新詞是什麼意思? 根據一般的說法, hypermile是動詞,意為利用各種方法增進汽車的效能, 達到省油的目的。在經濟不振、油價狂飆的年代,尤其是2008年上半年, 駕駛人要節省油費,節約能源,除了減少無必要的旅遊外,就是要想盡各 種方法,增加汽油每單位的里程。這些方法包括:改變駕駛技術與習慣、 避免等候時引擎空轉過久、慢慢加速、在高速路上尾隨前車或卸下貨架 減少風阻、使用低濃度的機油等。 省油省錢是運用策略省油者(hypermiler)的主要考量。 但很多人hypermiling原因不只於此,有些人是為了環保, 節能減碳,減少空氣污染,有的是為了飆車運動。 像在美國有個車隊以每加侖110英里(約為每公里 46.78 公升)的 平均耗油量用四十七小時飆車1397英哩(2248 公里)。 hypermile, 這個英文字是由hyper加上mile兩部分合成的。 hyper意為超、超級,mile是哩,美國人計算距離的單位, 合起來有"作到超里程"的意思。相關的衍生詞有hypermiler (hypermile的人), hypermiling(其動作) 這個新詞最早出現在2004年,一位叫偉恩格德思Wayne Gerdes 的人在他的網頁中使用。後來在美國總統競選活動中,因為兩位 候選人辨論有關外海開採石油的問題,如何省油的議題成為焦點, 也使這個新詞成為眾所周知的單字。 英文例句: Generally, the recommended way to hypermile is using only the common techniques. 一般來說,推薦的省油策略就是只要運用一般的技巧即可。 Nascar Driver Uses Hypermiling Tricks to Win Race. 納思卡駕駛運用省油策略贏得賽車冠軍。(新聞標題)


What is time? Where ddi it come from? Do you run out of time? Is it about time for you to focus on your life? 時間是什麼?它來自何處?去向何地? 沒有人能回答。 每天我們生活期間,不知不覺,日子又過去 它能暫停一下,讓你的歡樂停格,憂傷快轉,多好! 可是沒人能辦到。 時間對每個人都是大公無私,一律平等的。 有開始就有結束,有生就有死。這是時間在作怪。 可是你會問,為什麼阿慶伯活到九十幾,而父親卻英年早逝? 這叫公平嗎?沒有人能給予滿意的答覆。 說是前世因果,說是命也是運, 說是個人福報。 不管怎麼說,你都只有無奈 你要隨緣接受,或是奮起反抗? 把握每一段片刻,或渾渾噩噩過日子 決定權在你 It's your call।

Comic Strips 漫畫: 看牙

Please read the comic strips and write a joke. Post the assignment here with the last 3 digits of your school number and your first name . (e.g. 099小文) 1. Post a comment 2. Name/URL Please note: You should not use the direct quotes. Use your own words to tell the joke. You can make up the person's name, for example, a farmer Jerry Huang.

Helping Hands


Saying Thank you

Thanks thank you .. for... I am grateful for, I want to express my.. I want to extend my thanks ... In our life there is always someone who helps us, encourages us,inspires us or gives us something we need. Because of him or her or them, your life has become better, and easier. From your childhood to your school days, from the person you know to the strangers, you may have received the kindness from all kinds of people. Did you ever express your thanks/gratitude to them?Did you ever show it by action? You only say "thanks" silently in your heart because you are shy? Whatever your action, it is now the time and placeto say thank to the persons that worth your showing your thanks. ... First of all, I want to thank you for being my students. Without you, my work can not be done. I also want to thank you, S, for......

The First Time Experience

In our life everything under the sun you don't know is new and fresh. We experienced many first times in our life. When you entered the knidergarten, for the first time you were alone at school without mom and dad or grandmother standing by you. You might cry a lot. When you go to the "Fresman Welcome Camp" or a party, for the first time you meet a lot of students from different departments, and you may make friends with some. You say, "College life is so wonderful. I like it." You know there are more things to happen to you for the first time. Now the mid-term exam is around the corner. You will experience another occurrence for the first time. Will it be a shock, a surprise or a something you will not forget?


sport utility bike ( SUB) 我們大都聽過SUV運動休旅車Sport Utility Vehicle。 在不久以前,油價尚未大漲之前, SUV休旅車曾是中產階層家庭的驕傲。 而自油價高漲後,取而代之一的是一班家庭 都買得起的SUB修休旅自行車。 SUB是sport utility bike或 sport utility bicycle的簡縮語。 你只要把原來的自行車,在座椅後 面安裝一塊延伸的板, 用來加載一個人或放置物你就擁有一部SUB了。 這種自行車平時跟普通自行車並無兩樣, 一個人自由騎上車道。 當你裝上延伸板後,你可以上街購物, 放置購物袋、紙盒或包裹 就好像SUV具有額外的功能一樣, SUB可以裝載的東西也不少。有人用來裝衝浪板、 旅行箱, 載兩個小孩(當要戴安全盔)。 有人騎著這種車去上班。 它具有方便、安全、好用、省油的優點。 有一個人說 My family car is an SUB and I love it. 我的家用車是一部休旅自行車,我愛死了.

Feeling bored

When summer vacation begins, many youngsters, having finshed a school year and going back home, feel life has changed a lot. No more schooling with teachers' pressure, and no more friends to chat. They have all the freedom they desire, but life is not productive. They feel bored and don't know what to do with all the time on hand. The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. This saying by Dorothy Parker may be the treasure they need. Have a curious mind and find something to do. Learn a new computer software, a new skill, read a book or leran a new language. Life will become very interesting and you will be as busy as a bee.


Tears Tears are like rain. They loosen up our soil so we can grow in different directions. Tears shed on the rocky places of our lives can make tiny pebbles out of the boulders that block our paths. Tears can help us see anew if we're willing to look straight ahead--clearly, openly, and with expectation of a better view. ~Virginia Casey 淚水如雨。讓你心中的土壤放鬆,才能向四面八方成長。 淚水滴落在生命的岩石地面,化磐石為細石,你得以暢行無阻。 如果你願意往前眺望,細細的看,敞開心胸,期待美好的景象, 淚水讓你打開新視界,